Import from ISO-20022 compliant files

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Import from ISO-20022 compliant files

The ISO-20022 standard describes an XML format which, among other things, forms the basis for the "SEPA format" of the German banking industry.

Within the European payment area, further derivations of this format exist in some countries. SEPA Transfer can generally import these files, provided they meet the definitions of the European Payments Council (EPC). The import of these files works in exactly the same way as the import of SEPA files, but it is possible that a currency other than the euro is specified in the postings.

SEPA Transfer offers three options for importing such bookings:

1.The currency of the posting is converted into euros, with the amount remaining the same.

2.The currency is converted, for which an exchange rate must be specified.

3.The currency setting of the account is changed: With this option, it should be noted that this causes all postings to the account to adopt the new currency. In addition, the online banking functions are only available for euro accounts.
