SEPA support

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SEPA support

Since 2012, the SEPA procedure has been available for intra-European transfers in the so-called "SEPA area". For SEPA credit transfers and direct debits, an international bank account number (IBAN) is used instead of the German account number and sort code. You can recognize a German IBAN by the fact that it  beginswith the letters DE.

Example of a German IBAN number:


Length: Always 22 characters for German IBANs, 15 to 31 characters for international IBANs.

SEPA mandate:

With the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme, the payee requires a mandate issued by the payer. Further information on this can be found on our website.

SEPA direct debits are divided into different business transactions. Single direct debit, first direct debit and recurring direct debit. The latter two are so-called "multiple mandates" as the same mandate reference is used for direct debits from the relevant person. In the case of a multiple mandate, the date of the first direct debit is saved. If a mandate reference is specified for a new direct debit for which a first direct debit has already been saved in SEPA-Transfer, the new direct debit is created as a subsequent direct debit. From SEPA standard version 3.0, all recurring direct debits are created with a mandate for recurring direct debits, as first direct debits are no longer required from this version onwards.