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Customizes settings for the Duplicate Files view.




Reload duplicates for selected subfolders

Activate this option to reload the Duplicate Files view for each selected directory, including only duplicates existing in the selected directory branch.

Exclude system files

Activate this option to exclude system files from the Duplicate Files view.

Exclude hardlinks

Activate this option to exclude files with more than one hardlink from the duplicates. This option is useful, because files pointing to the same data structure by a hardlink are physical, no duplicates and there is no redundant data hold by such files.

Minimum size

Files smaller than this size will be not shown in the Duplicate Files view.

File Criteria

Select the criteria by which duplicates are detected here. You can choose one or more of the following file properties: "Name", "Size", "Last modified date" or "MD5 checksum".
By default "Name", "Size" and "Last modified date" are activated.

Note: If you want to use the MD5 checksum of the files content as indicator, you have to activate the "Calculate MD5 checksum for files" scan option for this scan (See: "Configure Scans").


Here you can provide a list of file name pattern that should be excluded from the Duplicate Files view.