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Use the Event Viewer to see how the Exchange Server Toolbox works and what properties have been determined for incoming emails.

Double click on a log entry to see the whole message and get more information (e.g. the backup path, spam score) about the processed email.

Apart from grouping, changes to how the EventLog is displayed will be saved even after closing the GUI.



The toolbar offers various options for viewing, managing, filtering, grouping or exporting the entries.

Auto refresh: Enables or disables automatic refresh of the EventLog

Refresh: Refresh the EventLog manually

Group: Groups the entries by message ID

Load Size: Select how many entries should be loaded

Log Level Filter: Filters the entries according to the same rules as the logging depth

Copy: Copies the selected entry/entries

Blacklist: Adds the sender of the e-email that triggered the entry to the blacklist

Whitelist: Adds the sender of the e-email that triggered the entry to the whitelist

Clear: Deletes the entire EventLog

Export: Exports the entire EventLog in one XML file

MMC: Opens the Microsoft Event Viewer


Column functions

Right-click on one of the columns to open a menu.

Sort ascending/descending: The entries of the EventLog are sorted by the column ascending/descending

Clear Sorting: Removes the ascending/descending sort order. Only usable on columns that are currently being sorted

Group By This Column: Groups the entries by the selected column

Show Group Panel: Opens the group panel above the columns

Show Column Chooser: Shows the column chooser. Here you can select and deselect columns for display

Best Fit: Adjusts the width of the column so that the longest entry is fully visible

Best Fit (all columns): Adjusts the width of all columns so that the longest entry is completely visible

Filter Editor: Opens the Filter Editor, which contains extensive options for creating and customizing filters

Show/Hide Search Panel: Shows and closes the search panel

Conditional Formatting: Allows conditional formatting of the table, for example, highlighting rows that contain a specific value


Grouping of columns

The table can be grouped by selected columns using the "Group by this column" function. Once you have displayed the grouping field, you can drag the column headers into it to group by them. You can also change the order of the grouping by dragging and dropping in the grouping field.

With a right click on the grouping field, you can expand, collapse and remove all groupings.

A right-click on one of the groupings opens a menu.

Full Expand/Collapse: The selected grouping is expanded/collapsed

Sort Ascending/Descending: The selected grouping is sorted in ascending/descending order

Clear Sorting: Removes the ascending/descending sort order. Only usable if sorting is currently done according to the grouping

Sorting By Summary: After setting up a group summary, the groups can be sorted in ascending/descending order here

Ungroup: Removes the selected group

Hide Group Panel: Closes the group panel

Show Column Chooser: Shows the column chooser. Here you can select and deselect columns for display

Best Fit (all columns): Adjusts the width of all columns so that the longest entry is completely visible

Group Summary Editor: Here you can define factors by which each group is sorted. For example, if you select "Spam Score" and "Max", the largest spam value of all elements in the group is selected for each group. Now the groups can be sorted by this value

Filter Editor: Opens the Filter Editor, which contains extensive options for creating and customizing filters

Show/Hide Search Panel: Shows and closes the search panel


Right-clicking entries

Right-click on one of the entries to open a menu.

Copy: Copies the selected entry/entries

Add sender to Blacklist: Adds the sender of the e-email that triggered the entry to the blacklist

Add sender to Whitelist: Adds the sender of the e-email that triggered the entry to the whitelist

Properties: Opens a detailed view for the entry just like when double-clicking it






General error


Info message


Warning message


Incoming email


Outgoing email


Internal email


Backup of an incoming email


Backup of an outgoing email 


Internal email backup


email backup failed


Spam email


Virus email


email delivery abort


email refused


Auto reply email 


email delivery aborted with activated auto reply


email delivery aborted because of spam


email refused as spam


email delivery aborted because of virus in email


email refused as virus infected email