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Here you see an overview of the users who are authorized to access the archive.
You can use the Active Directory to manage the users. The Exchange Server Toolbox automatically imports all users entered and their rights from the AD and enables them to search the archive via mailboxes for which they have appropriate permissions.
If the AD is updated, the Exchange Server Toolbox automatically obtains the changes and applies them. You can also use the "Refresh" button to trigger a manual update.
If you want to change the permissions of individual users, this can be done with the "Edit" button. You can give users additional access rights or remove them. An entry that has been copied from the Active Directory will be overwritten in this list. To import the original entry from the Active Directory again, it is sufficient to delete the modified user with "Delete". This will change its type from "External overwrite" back to "External".
You can also use the "Add" button to add new users without having them listed in the Active Directory. This can be useful, for example, to give an auditor access rights to the archive.
If no Active Directory is available, you can use the "Add" and "Edit" buttons to completely manage the archive access rights yourself.
To remove a user, you can use the "Remove" button.
Column functions
Right-click on one of the columns to open a menu.
•Sort ascending/descending: The entries are sorted by the column ascending/descending
•Clear Sorting: Removes the ascending/descending sort order. Only usable on columns that are currently being sorted
•Group By This Column: Groups the entries by the selected column
•Show Group Panel: Opens the group panel above the columns
•Show Column Chooser: Shows the column chooser. Here you can select and deselect columns for display
•Best Fit: Adjusts the width of the column so that the longest entry is fully visible
•Best Fit (all columns): Adjusts the width of all columns so that the longest entry is completely visible
•Filter Editor: Opens the Filter Editor, which contains extensive options for creating and customizing filters
Grouping of columns
The table can be grouped by selected columns using the "Group by this column" function. Once you have displayed the grouping field, you can drag the column headers into it to group by them. You can also change the order of the grouping by dragging and dropping in the grouping field.
With a right click on the grouping field, you can expand, collapse and remove all groupings.
A right-click on one of the groupings opens a menu.
•Full Expand/Collapse: The selected grouping is expanded/collapsed
•Sort Ascending/Descending: The selected grouping is sorted in ascending/descending order
•Clear Sorting: Removes the ascending/descending sort order. Only usable if sorting is currently done according to the grouping
•Sorting By Summary: After setting up a group summary, the groups can be sorted in ascending/descending order here
•Ungroup: Removes the selected group
•Hide Group Panel: Closes the group panel
•Show Column Chooser: Shows the column chooser. Here you can select and deselect columns for display
•Best Fit (all columns): Adjusts the width of all columns so that the longest entry is completely visible
•Group Summary Editor: Here you can define factors by which each group is sorted. For example, if you select "Spam Score" and "Max", the largest spam value of all elements in the group is selected for each group. Now the groups can be sorted by this value
•Filter Editor: Opens the Filter Editor, which contains extensive options for creating and customizing filters
User rights
An archive user can have the following rights:
•Can Edit Archive Users: The user is allowed to edit archive users, change their rights and even create new users. If a user does not have this right the "Users" tab will be greyed out for them.
•Archive Access: The user is allowed to access the archive and search for emails. If a user does not have this right the "Archive Search" tab will be greyed out for them.
•Can Request Deletion: The user is allowed to create requests for emails to be deleted from the archive. If a user does not have this right the "Create Deletion Requests" tab will be greyed out for them.
•Can Answer Deletion Requests: The user is allowed to view and answer delition requests and see the request history. If a user does not have this right the "Show Deletion Requests" tab will be greyed out for them. A user can never confirm their own requests, only reject them.
•Full Archive Access: The user has access to all archived emails.