Setting up an account

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Setting up an account

SEPA-Transfer has a wizard to help you set up accounts. The  wizard is called up automatically the first time you start SEPA-Transfer. It can then be started to create additional accounts by clicking on "Add account" in the "Extras" tab and via the green plus in the settings.

The basic account information

In the first step of the wizard, you must enter the basic information about the account. In the "Account name" field, enter a freely selectable name for the account so that you can easily recognize the account.

Account wizard step 1

Step 1 of the account wizard

The bank account details of the account

In the second step, enter your own IBAN.

Account wizard step 2

Step 2 of the account wizard

Details for home banking

Optionally, you can set up access for your home banking in the third step of the wizard. When online banking is activated, you will be guided through another simple setup wizard. You can find out more about home banking in the Home banking and TAN procedure chapter. If you do not wish to set up home banking, simply click on "Continue".

Account wizard step 3

Step 3 of the account wizard

Details for the SEPA direct debit procedure

In the last step of the account wizard, you can enter the details for the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme. If you wish to use SEPA direct debits, the SEPA Creditor ID and your address are always required. You can find more information on this in the chapter Notes on direct debits. You can also leave the fields blank if you do not use SEPA direct debits. Once you are finished, click on "Finish" and the wizard will close and the newly created account will be selected for processing.

Account wizard step 4

Step 4 of the account wizard