Intelligent pasting

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Intelligent pasting

If you receive an invoice in the form of an e-mail that is structured according to the following pattern, for example, you can copy the text of the e-mail to the clipboard and paste it into SEPA-Transfer as a booking. When you switch  from your e-mail program to SEPA-Transfer, SEPA-Transfer automatically recognizes the booking in the clipboard and reads it in. The import can also be started via the "From clipboard" button in the "Edit" tab.

An example of an e-mail with payment information:

Buchungstyp: Lastschrift

Lastschriftart: Erst

Kontoinhaber: Mia Muster

IBAN: DE23100000001234567890

Summe: 71,12 €

Transaktions-ID: 1254874YX--12345--Muster

Verwendungszweck 1: Kd.-Nr. 1254874YX

Verwendungszweck 2: Best.-Nr. 12345


After importing the booking from the above example ,SEPA-Transfer looks like this:


Please note that the automatic recognition of postings cannot always work without errors due to the many possible formulations. You must therefore make corrections for some postings after importing them.