Permission Changes

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Permission Changes

The Permission Changes statistic provides information about changes made to the access permissions of the selected file system tree. It helps you understand what changes have been made to the permissions structure of your scan target.

To do this, the SpaceObServer scanning service checks which elements (files and folders) of your directory tree have changed in the NTFS permissions during each update scan.

Important: The prerequisite for these changes to be checked is to activate the scan option “Calculate permissions (ACLs) and save in database”. This option can be found in the "Configure Scans" dialog under “Scan Options”.

The list of authorization changes shows you a separate entry in the list for each change to the authorization structure.

The "Last Modified" column indicates when the change was logged by the scanning service. This is usually the date of the update scan in which the changes were detected and saved to the database.

In the “Users/Groups” column you can see which users and/or groups the permission change affects.

The “Permission added” and “Permission removed” columns show exactly which permissions were added or removed for these users and groups.

The “Inheritance” column provides information about whether anything has changed in the inheritance hierarchy of permissions and, if so, what was changed.

In the "Path" column, you can see the absolute path of the item (file or folder) that was affected by the permission change.

All columns can be restricted to specific content using the filter fields above the column header, so that you only see entries with exactly matching criteria.

Context tab: Permission Changes

You can use the "Permission Changes" tab to export the list contents

Export Permission Changes

Exports the contents of the list to a file. If two or more items are selected, only the selected items will be exported. Available file formats are "Microsoft Excel Files (.xlsx)", "Text Files (.txt)", "HTML Files (.html)", "CSV (Comma Separated Values) Files (.csv)", and "PDF Files (.pdf)".

Send List

Sends the content of the list via email.

Copy List

Exports the contents of the list to the clipboard. If two or more items are selected, only the selected items will be exported.

Print right pane

Prints the selected items of the list.