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The following examples are intended to illustrate common workflows.

Conversion from DTA to SEPA

SEPA-Transfer is often used, for example, to convert bank transfer data from DTA files to SEPA format. You can automate this step with the following call:

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -DTA "C:\Pfad\zur\DTA.dta" -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Pfad\zur\konvertierten\SEPA.xml" -Type Transfer

Note: If direct debit data is to be written, use -Type Debit instead of -Type Transfer in the Write command .

Note: If you want to convert from SEPA to DTA format, swap -DTA and -SEPA.

Conversion from Excel to SEPA

In addition to converting from DTA to SEPA, SEPA-Transfer is also able to convert Excel files to SEPA format. You can automate this work step with the following call

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Pfad\zur\EXCEL.xlsx" -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Pfad\zur\konvertierten\SEPA.xml" -Type Transfer

Note: If direct debit data is to be written, use -Type Debit instead of -Type Transfer in the Write command .

Note: To convert a specific table in an Excel file, you can  use the"My table" button and specify the table name.

Sending a booking file to the bank via online banking

A common use case of SEPA-Transfer is to read direct debits, e.g. monthly fees of an association, from a member table and transfer them to the bank.

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Pfad\zu\monatlichen\Daten.xls" -Type Debit -MandateType multi -Command Send -Type Debit

Note: You must have set up your online banking to execute this command.

If you manage several accounts and want to ensure that the correct account has been selected, you can change the account in the first command:

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Account -Name "Vereinskonto" -Command Import -File "C:\Pfad\zu\monatlichen\Daten.xls" -Type Debit -MandateType multi -Command Send -Type Debit

Adding bookings

It is also possible to create new bookings via the command line. The AddBooking command is used for this:

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Name "Max Mustermann" -Amount 100,00 -Purpose "Example purpose"

The example call above creates a bank transfer to the recipient "Max Mustermann", with the specified IBAN "DE47100101110012121212", for "100.00 euros" with the purpose "Example purpose".

If, on the other hand, you would like to create a direct debit, please use the -Type Debitswitch in the command line call . A call could look like this:

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Name "Max Mustermann" -Amount 100.00 -Purpose "Direct debit purpose" -Type Debit

Note:It is possible to specify a special execution date with the-Date switch.

Reading bank cards with an EC card reader

If you want to read EC cards with SEPA Transfer, you can do this with the ReadEC command. A call can look like this:

.\SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Name "Max Mustermann" -Amount 100.00 -Purpose "EC card direct debit" -Type Debit

The account data is read from the card. Additional information can be entered via the corresponding switches.

Note: You can use this command to connect to your existing POS system, for example.

Combined actions

Commands passed with -Command are processed in the order in which they were specified. SEPA-Transfer can bundle any number of commands in one call if you do not want to call the program several times in succession.

The following code first switches to the account "Firmen Giro", imports the table Mai of the Excel file Salary (i.e. transfers) in the current directory, then switches to the account "Mein Giro" and imports the SEPA file miete.xml to then transfer it via online banking. The syntax corresponds to PowerShell.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -NoGUI -Command Account -Name "Firmen Giro" -Command Import -File Gehalt.xls -Table Mai -Command Account -Name "Mein Giro" -Command Import -SEPA miete.xml -Command Send