Return codes

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Return codes

SEPA-Transfer generates a so-called return value after completion. If this deviates from 0, an error has occurred during execution. The following is an overview of the most common error codes with corresponding suggested solutions.

Note: If you execute a simple program call with command line parameters via CMD or PowerShell, you do not have access to the return code. In CMD, you must embed the calls in a BAT file, in PowerShell you must  usethe Start Process object mentioned in the chapter Automation using scripts.

Error code


Suggested solution


SEPA-Transfer was successfully completed.



An unknown error occurred during execution.



No parameter was transferred.

Specify at least one of the following parameters:



Note: This return code is part of the old, no longer supported command line parameters.


The /NOGUI parameter cannot be combined with the /WRITEHBCI, /BALANCE, /SETTINGS or /REMAINOPEN parameter.

Please remove the parameter /NOGUI if you  want toopen the settings of SEPA-Transfer, call up your account balance, transfer bookings via HBCI or  leaveSEPA transfer openafter the command line call .

Note: This return code is part of the old, no longer supported command line parameters.


An unknown parameter was transferred.

Check your parameters for correct spelling or whether they are permitted in the location used.


A parameter is invalid for a command or a switch.

Certain parameters may only appear after certain commands or switches.


A parameter has an invalid value.

Check the values of parameters for correct spelling.


Parameters required for a command have not been transferred.

Some commands require certain parameters. The "Account" command, for example, requires the name of the new account.


Two parameters have been transferred that must not be transferred together.

For example, check that either the parameter "-SEPA" or the parameter "-DTA" appears after "-Command Import" and that both do not appear at the same time.


SEPA transfer is already being executed.

Use the parameter "-AllowMultipleInstances" to start an instance anyway; or close the other instance and start it with "-WaitForCommands" (see command line parameters, "Global switches").


The transaction type is unknown.

Please use the value "transfer" for the parameter /TYPE for transfers and the value "debit" for direct debits.


Incorrect value for parameter /MANDATETYPE.

Please use "single" as /MANDATETYPE for single direct debits and "multi" for multiple direct debits.


"MandateType" must be specified if "Type" with the value "debit" is used to import into a SEPA account.

Import multiple direct debits with "-MandateType multi" and single direct debits with "-MandateType single".


The specified collector reference is invalid.

Valid characters for the Payment Information ID are

A-Z a-z 0-9 + ? / - : ( ) . , '' and spaces.

The maximum length is 30 characters.


The command line command is invalid or incorrect.

Correct the command line command. Examples of correct commands can be found under Command line parameters and examples.


Too few arguments were passed for the command line parameter.

Correct the command line command. Examples ofcorrect commands can be found under Command line parameters and examples.


Required parameters are missing or invalid.

Correct the command line command. Examples ofcorrect commands can be found under Command line parameters and examples.


The specified source cannot be imported.

Please check whether the specified file exists, the database has been referenced completely and correctly or has already been imported from a source with an incomplete name.

Note: This error can also occur if the file is opened in another program.


The source to be imported does not have a supported file extension and cannot be imported.

Please check whether the source from which you want to import is correct or whether the file format is supported by SEPA-Transfer.


The table was not found.

Make sure that your Excel spreadsheet has a sheet or your ADO database has a table with the name you entered.


An error occurred when opening the database connection.

Check the character string for establishing the database connection and make sure that the database is accessible.


The file to be imported does not correspond to the specified file type.

Make sure that you are importing files with the correct switch. For SEPA files this is "-SEPA", for DTA files "-DTA" and for all table-like files such as XLS and CSV "-File".


The account was not found.

Please check the correct spelling of the account (including upper and lower case) or whether the account exists in SEPA-Transfer.


The account used is not set up for SEPA direct debits or is set up incorrectly.

To import SEPA direct debits, SEPA Core, COR1 or B2B must be set as the direct debit type for the account under Settings. In addition, a correct SEPA creditor ID and address must be entered.


SEPA direct debits are deactivated.

Activate direct debits in the settings.


There are currently no open bookings.

There are no open bookings in the account, please create new bookings or import them.


One or more bookings are invalid and are not being processed.

When writing or transferring your postings, not all postings could be written or transferred as there were some invalid postings. Please correct these and carry out a new transfer or write.


There are no valid postings.

There are no valid bookings for the account used, please correct any errors in the bookings and try again.


The imported bookings were incorrect.

The files to be imported contain errors. The causes of the errors are displayed on the command line. Please check the file(s) for correctness.


The target directory or file could not be created.

The specified file path or file name may contain unauthorized characters (*,",/,\,:,?,<,>), please check for correct spelling.


No printer has been set up.

Configure a default printer via Extras -> Printer setup.


Error when retrieving the sales / balance.

Please check whether the stored account data is correct and whether the correct account has been selected. Re-synchronize the account if necessary.


Online banking not active.

Online banking is not set up or is set up incorrectly.