Command line parameters

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Command line parameters


This feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

Here you can find a detailed comparison of the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition.


For the automation of complex processes or for integration into third-party software, SEPA-Transfer can also be operated to a large extent via the command line. This enables, for example, the creation of a script for the automated import of SEPA files and subsequent transfer of the data via online banking.

The call of SEPA-Transfer is divided into two parts. First, global switches are specified, followed by commands to be executed.

SEPA-Transfer.exe [Global switches] [Command 1] [Command 2] ...

The following example call reads a CSV file from the documents directory, converts it to SEPA format and then writes it to a network drive for forwarding. The global switch -NoGUI suppresses the display of graphical windows where possible.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -NoGUI -Command Import -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\ContentMay.csv" -Command Write -SEPA N:\Bank\ContentMay.xml

Note: If you create an automation via script and use file paths with umlauts, you should ensure that you use the correct code page in the batch or PowerShell file. To do this, simply add "chcp 1252" to the first line of your script.

Note: If parameters for switches contain spaces, these must be enclosed in quotation marks:


OK, no spaces present.

"C:\Users\Tom Baker\SEPA files\sepa.xml"

OK, spaces present, but enclosed in quotation marks.

"C:\Users\Tom\SEPA files\sepa.xml"

OK, quotation marks are also allowed if there are no spaces.

C:\Users\Tom Baker\SEPA files\sepa.xml

FALSE, spaces, but no quotation marks.

Note: A file path can be specified both relatively and absolutely.

Note: Scripts that were created with the command line syntax before version 9.0 are still supported in version 9.0. However, it is recommended that these are adapted promptly.

Global switches

Global switches influence the program run in general and are specified once at the beginning of the call.

-LogLevel n

Creates a log file in the documents directory of the calling user with information on the program run.

Valid values: 1 = "Error only" to 5 = "Developer mode".


Suppresses the display of graphical elements where possible. If this switch is used, any errors that occur are not displayed in error dialogs but are written to the Windows EventLog.

Note: NoGUI is not compatible with the "Balance" and "Settings" commands and the RemainOpen switch


If SEPA-Transfer is called via the command line, the program usually closes after the commands have been executed. This switch ensures that the display remains open after the specified commands have been executed.

Note: RemainOpen is not compatible with the switch NoGUI.


Normally the SEPA-Transfer.exe process can only be started once at a time. This switch allows you to start multiple instances at the same time.


Starts SEPA-Transfer in a mode to collect and execute parameters of other instances.

Note: Can be extended by the -ExitOnError switch to terminate the application in the event of an error. No return codes can be evaluated in this mode. (See chapter Automation through scripts)


After specifying the global switches, a list of commands of any length can follow. Each command begins with the Command switch, followed by the command name. The subsequent switches apply to the command just specified until a new Command switch follows.

Note: If an error occurs during the execution of a command, subsequent commands will no longer be executed.

All available commands are described below together with the switches permitted or required for them.

-Command Account

Changes the account currently selected in SEPA-Transfer.

Conditions: Requires the switch Name.

-Name <account name>

Specifies the name of the account to be changed to.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Account -Name "My current account"

-DebitType <debit type>

Specifies the direct debit type for the account. Valid values are "CORE" for basic direct debits and "B2B" for company direct debits. (See chapter Notes on direct debits)

Default value: the current direct debit type of the account to be selected

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Account -Name "My current account" -DebitType B2B

-Command Activities

Exports the transactions of the selected account in CSV format to the specified file; loads new transactions into the database via online banking.

Conditions: Requires the switch File.

-File <file path>

Specifies the file path for exporting the transactions.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Activities -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Umsaetze.csv"

-StartDate <date>

Specifies the start date for the sales to be exported.

Default value: 30 days in the past of the current date

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Activities -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Umsaetze.csv" -StartDate "01.05.2020"

-EndDate <date>



Specifies the end date for the sales to be exported.

Default value: current date

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Activities -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Umsaetze.csv" -StartDate "01.05.2020" -EndDate "15.05.2020"

-Fetch [<true value>]

Downloads the sales for the defined time interval.

Default value: deactivated

Note: Requires the entry of a PIN using a GUI.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Activities -Fetch -StartDate "01.05.2020" -EndDate "15.05.2020"

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Activities -Fetch -StartDate "01.05.2020" -EndDate "15.05.2020" -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Umsaetze.csv"

-Command AddBooking

Adds a new booking with the specified parameters.

Conditions: Requires the AccountID switch. If an account number is specified instead of an IBAN, the BankID switch must also be specified.

-AccountID <IBAN or account number>

Specifies the IBAN or the account number for the booking. If an account number is specified, the BANKID switch must also be specified.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212

-Amount <amount>

Specifies the amount for the booking.

Default value: 0.00

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Amount 15,00

-Date <date>

Specifies the date for the booking. The date must be specified in the format "DD.MM.YYYY", for example "02.01.2017".

Default value: The current date

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Date 02.01.2017

-EndToEndID <end-to-end reference>

Specifies the end-to-end reference for the booking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -EndToEndID YourEndToEndReference01

-MandateReference <mandate reference>

Specifies the mandate reference for the booking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Type debit -MandateReference YourMandateReference01

-MandateType <mandate type>

Specifies the type of mandate used for the booking. Valid values are "recurring" for mandates for recurring direct debits and "oneoff" for individual mandates.

Conditions: The option is only permitted when importing direct debits (see switch -Type).

Default value: recurring

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Type debit -MandateType oneoff

-Name <recipient name>

Specifies the name of the recipient for the booking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Name "Name of the recipient"


If you use this switch, a possibly already saved mandate will be overwritten. Otherwise, a mandate reference is automatically generated if a mandate with the specified mandate reference already exists with a different IBAN.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -OverwriteMandate

-Purpose <intended use>

Specifies the purpose for the booking. If you specify the purpose, a line break is inserted after every 27 characters.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Purpose "Your purpose"

-Type <type>

Specifies the type of booking. Valid values are "transfer" for transfers and "debit" for direct debits.

Default value: transfer

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command AddBooking -AccountID DE47100101110012121212 -Type debit

-Command Balance

Retrieves the account balance and the last transactions of an account set up for online banking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Balance

-Command ClearHistory

Deletes the transaction history of the currently selected account.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ClearHistory

-Command ClearOpen

Clears the list of bookings currently open for the selected account.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ClearOpen

-Command ClearMandates

Deletes all saved mandates with the creditor ID of the current account. We recommend that you  executethe ClearOpencommand beforehand  so that mandates from open postings are also removed.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ClearMandates

-Command Import

Imports data from a supported source into the currently selected account from SEPA-Transfer. A file path can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Conditions: Requires exactly one of the switches DB, DTA, FILE, IMPORTSETTINGS or SEPA.

-DB <ADO string>

Imports from a database with the specified ADO connection string.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -DB "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password=;Data Source=D:\daten.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"

-DTA <file path>

Imports the specified DTA file.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -DTA .\Documents\ContentMay.dta

-File <file path>

Imports the specified Access, CSV or Excel file into the current account.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Salary May.xls"

-ImportSettings <file path>

Reads a file with import settings previously created with the Import Wizard via the graphical user interface and imports the file or database specified in it. The creation of such a file is  described in the Import Wizard chapter . Please also note the information given there.

Conditions: When using this switch, no further switches must be specified for the import, as all import settings are already stored in the file.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -ImportSettings "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Import Gehalt.xml"

-MandateType <mandate type>

Specifies the type of mandates to be imported. Permitted values are "single" for single mandates and "multi" for multiple mandates.

Conditions: This option is only permitted when importing direct debits (see -Type switch) and is required when importing into a SEPA account. This switch must not be used when importing SEPA files, as SEPA files already contain mandate information.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content May.xls" -Type debit -MandateType multi

-SEPA <file path>

Imports the specified SEPA file.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content May.xml"


SEPA files contain information on the ordering party account. If the SeparateAccounts switch is set, this information is evaluated. The data records to be imported are then assigned to the SEPA-Transfer account that corresponds to the ordering party information. If such an account does not exist, a new account is created based on this information.

Conditions: This option is only permitted for SEPA files.

Default value: If the switch is not specified, SEPA files are imported into the current account regardless of the ordering party information.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Salary_May.xml" -SeparateAccounts


Specifies whether the last page of the import wizard should be displayed, in which the import settings can be checked.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content_May.xml" -ShowWizard

-Table <name>

Selects the table to be imported for databases, Access and Excel files.

Conditions: This option is only permitted with the DB and File switch and only has an effect on sources that contain different tables.

Default value: If the switch is not specified, the last table used is imported. If this is the first import of the file, the first table is selected.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content.mdb" -Table May

-Type <type>

Specifies the type of postings to be imported. Valid values are "transfer" for credit transfers and "debit" for direct debits.

When importing direct debits with "-Type debit" into a SEPA account, the mandate type must also be specified using the "-MandateType" switch.

Conditions: The option is not permitted for SEPA and DTA files, as these already contain type information.

Default value: transfer.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Import -File "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Gehalt Mai.xls" -Type debit -MandateType multi

-Command JustSend

Sends a SEPA file without first reading it into SEPA Transfer. The online access data of the currently selected account is used.

Warning: This bypasses the SEPA Transfer internal validation of the bookings!

Conditions: Requires the SEPA switch. This command must not be combined with the global switch NoGUI, as a graphical entry of PIN and TAN is required when transferring to the bank.

-SEPA <file path>

Sends the specified file.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command JustSend -SEPA .\GehaltMai.xml

-Command PrintBookingList

Opens the selection for printing the bookings already exported as a SEPA file or transferred via online banking. If the NoGui parameter is also used, the bookings from the last transaction are printed.

Conditions: Before using this command, the printer must be configured in SEPA Transfer via Extras -> Printer setup.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command PrintBookingList

-Command ReadEC

Reads an EC card and adds a new booking with the specified parameters and the data of the EC card read.

-Amount <amount>

Specifies the amount for the booking.

Default value: 0.00

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Amount 15.00

-Date <date>

Specifies the date for the booking. The date must be specified in the format "DD.MM.YYYY", for example "02.01.2017".

Default value: The current date

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Date 02.01.2017

-EndToEndID <end-to-end reference>

Specifies the end-to-end reference for the booking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -EndToEndID YourEndToEndReference01

-MandateReference <mandate reference>

Specifies the mandate reference for the booking.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -MandateReference YourMandateReference01

-MandateType <mandate type>

Specifies the type of mandate used for the booking. Valid values are "first" for first mandates, "recurring" for mandates for recurring direct debits and "oneoff" for individual mandates.
Please note that as of SEPA version 3.0, first mandates are treated as mandates for recurring direct debits.

Conditions: The option is only permitted when importing direct debits (see switch -Type).

Default value: recurring

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Type debit -MandateType oneoff

-Name <recipient name>

Specifies the name of the recipient for the posting.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Name "Name of the recipient"


If you use this switch, a mandate that may already have been saved will be overwritten. Otherwise, a mandate reference is automatically generated if a mandate with the specified mandate reference with a different IBAN already exists.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -OverwriteMandate

-Purpose <purpose of use>

Specifies the purpose for the booking. If you specify the purpose, a line break is inserted after every 27 characters.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Purpose "Your purpose"

-Type <type>

Specifies the type of posting. Valid values are "transfer" for transfers and "debit" for direct debits.

Default value: transfer

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command ReadEC -Type debit

-Command Send

Sends the list of all open bookings of a certain type via a configured online banking.

Conditions: This command displays a graphical interface for entering PIN and TAN even with the global switch NoGUI.

-PmtInfId <collector reference>

Specifies an optional collector reference that is used for the process.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Send -PmtInfId "Salary May"


Creates a log file in Excel format containing all sent postings. The file is stored in the directory specified as the default output directory in the settings under "Export".

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Send -TransactionLog

-Type <type>

Specifies the type of postings to be transferred. Valid values are "transfer" for transfers, "debit" for direct debits, and "all" for both.

Default value: all.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Send -Type debit

-Instant (obsolete: -UrgentTransfer)

Specifies that transfers are executed as SEPA instant transfers.

Conditions: May only be used for transfers, i.e. not together with "-Type debit"

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Send -Instant

-Command Settings

Opens the settings dialog of SEPA-Transfer.

Conditions: This command must not be combined with the global switch NoGUI, as a graphical element is to be explicitly displayed here.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Settings

-Command Write

Exports the list of all open bookings of a specific type to a file.

-PmtInfId <collector reference>

Specifies an optional collector reference that is used for the process.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Salary May.xml" -PmtInfId "Salary May"

-SEPA <file path>

Writes the postings in SEPA format to the specified file path.

You can optionally specify only one directory here, in which case a file is created in this directory with the default SEPA file name, which you can specify in the settings under the "Export" menu item.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents"


Creates a log file in Excel format containing all sent bookings. The file is stored in the directory specified as the default output directory in the settings under "Export".

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content May.xml" -TransactionLog

-Type <type>

Specifies the type of postings to be written. Valid values are "transfer" for transfers and "debit" for direct debits.

Default value: transfer.

SEPA-Transfer.exe -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Content May.xml" -Type debit


Exports open postings from all accounts to one file per account. The name of the account is appended to the file name in order to distinguish the exported files.
Direct debits in SEPA format are only exported from SEPA accounts.
The "PmtInfId" switch should not be used together with "AllAccounts", as this would give all exported SEPA files the same collector reference.
The following command outputs files with the names "Salary May_<AccountName 1>.xml", "Salary May_<AccountName 2>.xml":

SEPA-Transfer.exe -NoGUI -Command Write -SEPA "C:\Users\Tom Baker\Documents\Salary May.xml" -Type debit -AllAccounts


If this switch is used, the postings are listed collectively on the account statement.

Default value: All postings are listed individually (if supported by the bank).

-Command WaitForCommands

Starts SEPA transfer in a mode to collect and execute parameters of other instances. (See chapter Automation through scripts)

Note: If this command is  combinedwithout the global switch 'NOGUI', the graphical user interface is executed as usual. As soon as another SEPA transfer instance is executed with a command, e.g. via the Windows command line, the command is forwarded to the 'WaitForCommands' instance. Please note that open dialogs in SEPA Transfer delay the execution of these commands: If the settings dialog is opened in the executing instance and the command "-Account" is executed in another instance to change the account, this command is only executed as soon as the settings dialog is closed.


Terminates the executing instance as soon as an incorrect command has been passed or a command has triggered an error.

Note: The return codes of the commands cannot be evaluated.