Retrieve transactions / balance

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Retrieve transactions / balance

To retrieve your account balance and the latest transactions from your bank using SEPA-Transfer, click on "Retrieve transactions / balance" in the "Import / Export" tab. To use this function, you must have previously set up your account in the online banking settings.


When using this function, you will be asked for authentication - in most cases this is by entering your PIN. The transactions are then saved in the local database of SEPA-Transfer and displayed in the overview together with your current account balance. If your bank does not support the retrieval of transactions via online banking, only the current account balance will be displayed.

If you are looking for a specific amount, recipient or purpose, you can filter the transactions displayed by entering the text you are looking for in the field above the table. You can use the date selection to choose a period in which the transactions were posted.

To retrieve the transactions from your bank again, please click on "Refresh".
If you previously select a period for which no transactions have been saved in SEPA Transfer, an attempt will be made to retrieve them from your bank. However, it may be that your bank only has transactions for a certain period available for retrieval.

You can export the transaction table as an Excel, CSV or PDF file using the "Export..." button.


In the online banking settings, you can activate the option "Update account transactions after online banking transfer" to automatically retrieve the current transactions each time you transfer bookings.


Column filter

The data displayed in the turnover display can be limited using filters on the columns, similar to Excel. To do this, click on the small filter symbol within the column header.

You can use the "Reset filter" button that then appears to undo these restrictions.